Fairly Priced Imaging Services


It is to your financial advantage to learn what testing will cost you before you schedule a medical imaging appointment:

  • Northeast Radiology accepts most insurance plans.
  • Charges at Northeast Radiology are lower than all of the local hospitals in our communities
  • Our bill is complete, with no separate charge for a radiologist’s fee to read the examination, unlike hospitals and some large group practices
  • Even if you have insurance, your out-of-pocket costs or co-pays may be significantly lower at Northeast Radiology
  • Fair Prices + High Quality + Superior Service = High Value
  • When medical excellence is the same or better it is only reasonable for you to consider the price of an imaging examination
  • Northeast Radiology’s prices are transparent and available to you in advance by calling 888-778-6200
  • The high cost of healthcare has been in the news. Northeast Radiology is proud to provide medical excellence at a fair price.

Wide Variation in Costs Reported

Until recently almost everyone, both patients and their doctors, thought the costs of medical procedures were about the same everywhere. Nobody knew what other medical care providers were charging for the same services. But prices are not the same as demonstrated in the Actual Costs Comparison section above. This is because each provider must independently negotiate their reimbursements with every insurance company. Further, government programs, such as Medicare, pay hospitals higher fees. In many cases there is more than one charge for the same service. In radiology it is common for patients to pay a hospital a fee for the test and an additional fee for the hospital’s radiologist to read the results of that test. Northeast Radiology’s fees are all inclusive.

When most people had health insurance that offered low deductibles and co-pays the charges for care did not directly impact the patient financially. But healthcare costs have soared and high deductible plans are much more common. When a patient has a $2,000 deductible they will pay up to a 100% of charges until their deductible is satisfied. Northeast Radiology’s fair prices mean less out-of-pocket costs for our patients. Where you have your medical imaging procedure done is always your choice.

The wide variation in medical procedure costs for the same procedure is now in the news. This is a national problem as well as a problem in this local area.

As healthcare costs have continued to rise, it is more important than ever for patients to become educated consumers. Click on the links below to learn more:

USA TODAY “Health Care Costs Vary Widely, Study Shows” “Washington – Patients pay as much as 683% more for the same medical procedures, such as MRIs or CT scans, in the same town, depending on the doctor they choose, according to a study by a national health care group.”

New York Times “A Hospital War Reflects a Bind for Doctors in U.S.” “We’re seeing a lot more consolidation than we did 10 years ago,” said Jeffrey Perry, an assistant director of the F.T.C.’s Bureau of Competition. “Historically, what we’ve seen with consolidation in the health care industry is that prices go up, but the quality does not improve.”

Wall Street Journal “Same Doctor Visit, Double the Cost.”“…hospitals are increasingly acquiring private physician practices. Hospitals say the acquisitions will make health care more efficient. But the phenomenon, in some cases, also is having another effect: raising prices.”

Fair Price Comparison

Where you have your medical imaging procedure done is your choice. Northeast Radiology offers fair prices and price transparency.

Northeast Radiology’s medical imaging procedure prices with
insurance discounts, and available discounts for self-paying
patients, are just a phone call away.
